I want so badly to be able to explain the most important things to you. i want you to know i agree with you. you see so far through me. yes its true that love is here on this earth and sorry is not. Sorry is for outer space. Sorry cant reach me. it cannot find a place in me. i want to remain in love. that is as honest as i can be. its a damn shame sometimes to live here so far away from the people i need the most. i wont believe that im this sad. here come the questions
why is everything so confusing all the time?
why do these people hate me so much?
why can't i make my own dinner?
why is all the milk expired?
why are my thoughts so hard to hold on to?
where is this one?
dont make me promises you cannot keep. dont lay in my bed if you cannot see me.
you will stand up, and march toward a feeling you are afraid of having
and i will explain nothing. this is what it is.
thats it.
Posted in:
Friday, June 20, 2008
6:43 AM