The dog wasnt there today. I thought he was a stuffed dog at first. I have seen him all week in the window of this bodega we pass on the bus to work. First he stood like that zenith dog from the old record ad's. The next day he was laying down. I thought it was a different stuffed dog. Honestly this dog can hold a pose better than real stuffed dogs. I've never seen the dog move.
I suppose its the time of my big move overseas that my lonliness has set in. I'm literally SOAKED in lonliness. I miss everyone. The family, the friends, the connections. I miss all your craziness. I miss the late nite voicemails you left me and I left you. My boyfriend said I never asked him for alone time in the 4 months we've been together. It was the worst thing to hear. I didnt want to be told how dependent I had become. Especially when I was complaining to him that I was losing my indepedence by needing him this week cause my apartment is full of people I let stay there who I hardly know and I Have no where else to go. I tried to remember times when I needed alone time and it seems he always beat me to it first by staying home instead of staying over. I probably should have asked for time.
I guess relatively speaking, the fact that I moved to another country completely alone is dripping with independencies but I still didnt want to hear him say that.
I dont know how I feel about moving here.
I signed up for a conversation meet up to practice my french on a saturday.
maybe this will help.
Posted in:
Friday, June 13, 2008
12:32 AM