the GREATEST moment
Ok so far there have been many great moments. MANY. But last night, unable to sit in the hotel alone, I took my laptop downstairs to my friend and concierge Matthieu and asked him to help me find out if the Pari-rollers were on! It had been raining and the streets didnt look wet but were at some points. I hadn't skated in about 4 weeks so I knEW jumping into a 30 kilometer (18 mile) insane city skate with near professional skaters was the right thing to do!
HOLY ALL THAT IS GOOD ON was BEYOND the right thing to do. I was nervous as hell (again). Matthieu definately noticed and he kept telling me to relax. But the fact remained:
1. I was alone
2. It was late at night and i hardly know Paris
3. Even in that scenario, I REFUSEd to carry anything with me
4. I did end up carrying my metro card and 20 euros
5. I was certain all the annoucements would be in french
So the MOMENT I put my skates on, my feet started cramping up like insanity. I found the place where they begin which ironically is like 2 blocks from where I live and where I WILL LIVE. I couldnt sit down honestly cause of my feet, I tried stretching and stretching and more stretching and skating around. Finally they stopped hurting. And the place was really exciting. They had a dj, tons of music and then tons of men started showing up. Like one single man after the other. This, of course, made me more nervous. They all appeared single. There were very few women but one other who apparently came alone like me. Or maybe her friends didnt make it.
Ok so as predicted ALL the annoucements are in French. I am lost, people are skating everywhere....where do we actually begin, when, why, how, I was not sure of anything. Finally a resemblence of a starting point appeared. I got right up in front. We started on a hill but I didnt even care...And we were off!
It was insanity. Pure insanity.
Roller blading cops with us the entire time
They formed skaters of three in line and raced passed me several times
Cars and streets stopped with no honking
Employee's with yellow "Pari-roller" shirts skating all around us weaving in and out like maniacs
They stopped at almost every street ahead and within to make sure cars wouldnt kill us
Hand signals and yelling in unicen when cars were in the way or we were about to turn
It was fast and everyone clearly had a need for speed
The better skaters did all kinds of crazy speed demon tricks, weaving in and out, taking turns on two wheels, jumping up on sidewalks and my favorite wa sthis one dude who dodged a car in this INCREDIBLe fierce skate to the left microsecond moment. And the car didnt even honk. And the city didn't even care.
I'm sorry but NYC could NEVER pull this off. Close roads, not once but you understand EVERY friday night for measely little skaters.
We stopped to rest at all the right moments
I could hardly see but I know we were on rue St. Lazare
Near Place d'Italie
RIGHT through the gorgeous lights of Printemps
By Notredam
the list is endless. Well look at the map. They do a variation on the route every week apparently. And last nights involved a lot of hills. By the last 1/2 hour (its 3 hours, 10pm-1am) I was near death. In fact, some nice Parisian man was pushing me to help and one of the yellow shirted workers gave me his hand to pull me at some point cause the hill was killing me and clearly they do not like anyone to go slow. NEAR DEATH! But I felt so damn good and knew that I had to do this many MANY more times. But I need interim practice skating to gain stamina. How can I do this if I am home so late everynight? Its so wrong.
So there was this one kinda cute guy Nicholas who saw me fall on my ass at one of the stops while I was trying to stretch. I fell like a bastard. haha. and we talked a bit, of course he realized I didn't speak French and he didnt seem to upset. He asked for my number but of course I dont have it memorized so the best I could do is give him my email.
We were closing into the end of the ride when I recognized the big building (tour Montparnasse) and my body got this burst of energy, probably cause it knew it was almost done. So I raced towards it and finally made it home. Of course the hotel was empty and the concierge locks the door so I stood outside the hotel for like 10 minutes freezing, in pain but still so excited about what I accomplished. Matthieu had left already so I wont get to tell him about it until tonight!
Feelin good my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted in:
Friday, December 28, 2007
11:49 PM