On the bus today I thought about my cousins. Specifically the bond i have formed with Mark. He makes life so much sweeter.
In the canteen today, I found a seat far from everyone (it was packed). Away from all the French conversations. Away from the coworker who clearly did not invite me to join her. Near the window which meant near the heater which felt great on the cold legs and I read. I pretended I was alone. And I was.
In my dreams wednesday night I was bitten by at least two snakes. They surrounded me from all sides. I woke up in a panic. I was pissed at the snakes in the dream because I missed my train and then I didn't know how to get where I was going.
Last night I woke up with another nitemare, this time at 3:30. My stomach was talking for about 1 hour and it had nothing good to say. I finally fell back asleep but with anxiety.
No matter how much water I drink I'm still dry.
About a year ago my stepfather had a stroke. He has suffered badly from depression and I think he is going to have some breakthroughs in the new year. We have been emailing eachother and he has opened up to me.
People pass my office all the time but very few stop.
When I was 29 I had perfect hair.
Maintaining impure thoughts is just as hard as not maintaining impure thoughts.
I am lonely but I am not sad. Music is here to keep me company.
Currently: 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong by Mogwai
Happy New Year
Posted in:
Friday, December 28, 2007
4:22 AM